Sunday, September 16, 2007

Gov. Granholm doesn't get it ...

Gov. Granholm urges
folks to lobby Moore

By Alan D. Blanchard

The Clare Sentinel is certainly no stranger to receiving unsolicited spam. However, an email received by this weekly newspaper editor at 11:24 a.m. last Friday, Sept. 14, certainly falls into the unusual category, and not just because the letter's author was none other than Gov. Jennifer Granholm.

Well, cutting through to the chase, the letter encouraged me not once, but three times to telephone state Rep. Tim Moore, R-Farwell, and urge him to support a "comprehensive solution." Then I figured it out … the governor, who has probably mass-emailed this letter to citizens across Rep. Moore's district, was trying to get citizens to put pressure on Rep. Moore to come around to her way of thinking.

Republicans in the Legislature favor cutting expenses and not raising taxes. Democrats, including Gov. Granholm, favor cutting some expenses and raising taxes. So far, there's been no meeting of the minds, no solution and no budget for the state of Michigan.

When the governor speaks of a supporting a "comprehensive solution," that's just code for "raise taxes." And she's simply trying to take the easy way out by pushing for tax hikes. Instead, Gov. Granholm and the entire Legislature need to start making some tough decisions and begin cutting expenses and living within their means. That means doing so without raising taxes at all.

You can read the governor's note, which appears below in its entirety, and judge for yourself the merits of her arguments and strategies for putting state government's financial affairs in order.

For me, I say quit expending expense, energy and time sending out mass emails to try to influence legislators like Moore who are opposed to increasing taxes and start doing the right thing.

Make no mistake. The state is in a pickle and is spending incredibly more money than it is receiving in revenues. But the solution does not rest in scaring people into accepting tax hikes as the solution to this fiscal mess; it rests instead in doing a "comprehensive" review and prioritizing of state services and personnel. Cutting back less essential services and layoffs are inevitable in state government, and the governor needs to demonstrate leadership in this regard rather than wasting precious time politicking.

Why should state government be immune from working leaner, smarter and more frugally? The Big 3 automakers have had to do it, as have a number of others in the private sector.

While short-term pain will result if the state decides to live within its means, over the long haul the citizens of Michigan will be much better off.

Oh, one last thing: Dear Gov. Jennifer Granholm, thanks for the note, but wouldn't it be better for you to directly communicate with Rep. Tim Moore? His number appears below. Sincerely, Alan

Alan Blanchard is editor and publisher of The Clare Sentinel – or at his blog:

Governor's letter titled:
'Urgent: It's time to act'

Dear Alan:
Today is one of the moments that will definitively and dramatically define what kind of future we create for Michigan. Right now, I need your help to make sure the direction we set for our state is one that provides opportunity for our citizens.

This morning, the Michigan House of Representatives is voting on budget bills that are steps towards resolving our fiscal crisis. The bills are part of a comprehensive solution that includes sensible cuts, significant reforms and new revenues. With just 16 days left until the constitutional deadline, the time for hesitation is past. The Legislature must act now on a comprehensive solution.

Please call Rep. Moore RIGHT NOW at (517) 373-8962 and tell him to support a comprehensive solution.

Earlier this week, the Senate Republicans unveiled a list of devastating cuts that would hurt Michigan citizens. If these bills are not passed out of the House, the Senate is threatening to move forward with these cuts on Monday.

Since taking office, I have reconciled over $4 billion in budget deficits and have cut more out of state government than any Governor before me. But now, instead of slashing education, health care and public safety, we must secure our future with a comprehensive approach that includes sensible cuts, significant reforms, and new revenues. Bi-partisan leaders across our state and experts on Wall Street agree that we need a comprehensive solution.

Call (517) 373-8962 right now and tell Rep. Moore to support a comprehensive solution.

For months, Michigan's fiscal crisis has spiraled out of control while the Legislature failed to pass a comprehensive budget solution. Now, with just 16 days left until the start of the next fiscal year, failure to pass these budget bills is simply not an option.

Call Rep. Moore right now and tell him to support a comprehensive solution.

Together, we can guarantee strong schools for our kids, affordable college and worker training, greater access to health care, and police and firefighters on the streets we can secure a brighter future for Michigan. Please forward this email and make a phone call right now.


Gov. Jennifer Granholm