Monday, January 14, 2008

Gov. Granholm, take a cue from Rep. Tim Moore, R-Farwell

Just when you think there’s no one in state government who knows how to balance a budget and live frugally, state Rep. Tim Moore steps up to the plate by returning almost $7,000 of his unused office allotment funds to the Michigan treasury.
"All during last year’s budget debate, I supported reforming and restructuring state government spending before raising people’s taxes," reported Moore, R-Farwell. "Saving taxpayers about 7 percent of my individual office allotment was one of the ways I can directly start the reform effort, even if it’s just a small step at a time. We trimmed expenses where possible, as long as it didn’t impair the service provided to district residents."
The former auto parts store owner from Farwell reports that each year state lawmaker offices are allocated funds for staff salaries, mailings, printing, publications, telephone and other operating expenses. Moore saved $6,903 from the amount he was budgeted for in 2007.
We wonder how much money other Michigan Republican and Democrat legislators, and Gov. Jennifer Granholm managed to avoid spending in their respective office budgets during 2007?
Let’s do some quick math. If the remainin 109 state representatives saved $7,000 apiece that would equal $763,000. If the state senators saved $10,000 apiece (only 38 of them) that would equal $380,000. Combined, that would total $1,149,903, including the $6,903 that Moore managed to not spend.
Then, if the governor’s office ended 2007 not spending say, about $350,097, that would bring the total savings to $1.5 million, which could be returned to the state treasury. It would be a start.
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