Monday, January 14, 2008

Mitt Romney as seen through eyes of youngest son Craig Romney

Craig Romney, 26, youngest son of Mitt Romney, took time for a quick telephone interview with this newspaper editor at The Clare (Mich.) Sentinel as the candidate’s son made his way to the airport in Grand Rapids on Friday.
Craig Romney, who’s taken a leave of absence from his job with an advertising firm, talked about some of the downsides of working on a political campaign
Asked to share some things about his father that most people don’t know about him, Romney’s son said, “One thing that is funny to me … people don’t know this about him, is that he literally never relaxes. He gets off handful days a year. While everyone else will be relaxing, reading a book (on a family vacation), he’s always got little projects going on … he has a tractor in New Hampshire, and will be digging holes, always working on something.”
The son also said his father, Mitt Romney, has a low tolerance for waste, explaining childhood memories, “If I took a shower two minutes too long, left the lights on overnight … I’d hear about it. As a teen-ager, it drives you crazy, he took that same sense of frugality to Massachusetts, where spending was out of control and you’ve got to cut back on a lot of things. We’re going to have run a tighter ship here. He (Mitt Romney) obviously … he’s a wealthy man, and is very much a borderline cheapskate.”

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